
Illinois American Water’s work to separate the Alton combined sewer system and install new sanitary sewers continues. Below is information about this week’s road closures –April 11, 2022

Below is information about this week’s road closures –April 11, 2022

Piasa Valley Area:       
Monday morning, April 11, Alby Street will be closed at 13th Street, south to 10th Street.  12th Street will be closed from Alby to Easton Street.  Southbound traffic on Alby Street will need to use Blair Avenue to access Henry Street.  8th Street is closed between Easton and George Streets.  All streets highlighted yellow are closed to thru traffic, with surface restoration starting very soon as weather permits.  10th Street between Alby and Easton Street is two-way traffic only temporarily.  East of Easton Street is still only one way traffic in a westward direction.

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Turner Tract Area:     
Danforth Street pavement restoration has started and will be completed in the next week or so, weather dependent.  The alley south of McKinley east of Lincoln is back open to traffic, with pavement restoration beginning soon. Douglas Street, between State and Lincoln Streets is open.  Please drive carefully.  The alley between McPherson and Douglas is closed west of Lincoln St., with the intersection also closed at Lincoln.

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Shields Valley Area:           
Pavement restoration is completed for the areas highlighted green, and the roads are back open to traffic.  Yellow areas still have some pavement restoration that needs completed. 

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Over six miles of sanitary sewer main is being installed in the Turner Tract, Shields Valley and Piasa Valley areas of Alton.  Work kicked off in February 2021 and will continue to progress until 2023.

When Illinois American Water acquired the Alton Regional Wastewater system the company made a commitment to address requirements set forth by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency to remedy combined sewer overflows.

  • The projects in Turner Tract and Shields Valley will address 1.69 miles of sanitary sewer main.
    • These projects will continue into early 2022, depending on the location.
    • Project area will change based on progress of work. Signs will be placed ahead of construction work to notify customers of upcoming closures.
  • The work in Piasa Valley began in the spring of 2021.
    • This project includes almost five miles of sanitary sewer main.
    • Work is expected to continue for over two years.
      • This does not mean work will occur in one area for 24 months, but rather, projects will continue to progress throughout neighborhoods during that time period. Signs will be placed ahead of construction to notify customers of upcoming closures.

These closures are necessary for investments to the wastewater system to be completed in a safe manner.  At Illinois American Water our team and our contractors work as quickly as possible to minimize inconvenience to our customers.  We do our best to minimize the length of construction, but our #1 priority is safety.  At times, road and sidewalk closures may be extended to support our commitment to safety. 

Customers should call 800-422-2782 with questions. 

About Illinois American Water

Illinois American Water, a subsidiary of American Water (NYSE: AWK), is the largest investor-owned water utility in the state, providing high-quality and reliable water and wastewater services to approximately 1.3 million people. American Water also operates a quality control and research laboratory in Belleville. For more information, visit and follow Illinois American Water on Twitter and Facebook.

About American Water

With a history dating back to 1886, American Water (NYSE:AWK) is the largest and most geographically diverse U.S. publicly traded water and wastewater utility company. The company employs more than 6,400 dedicated professionals who provide regulated and regulated-like drinking water and wastewater services to more than 14 million people in 24 states. American Water provides safe, clean, affordable and reliable water services to our customers to help keep their lives flowing. For more information, visit and follow American Water on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

Media Contacts

Terry Mackin

Director of Communications and External Affairs